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A New Discovery I Recently Made in the Area of Natural Health (I-H20)

Mark Virkler's picture

For 40 years I have been passionate to pursue maximum health and vitality as one of God’s wonderful gifts to us! Here is one of my great discoveries, water that heals.

GIA Wellness is a company headquartered in Southern California. For over 10 years, GIA has pioneered a 21st-century 360° approach to promoting optimal wellness focused on super hydration, energy, and nutrition.

GIA's cornerstone product is the “i-H20 activation system.” GIA also offers optimal nutritional products and energetic solutions that protect us from the wireless world we now live in, hence the 360° approach to our overall well-being. GIA’s patented and proprietary technologies are the science that set us apart from others.

GIA is an acronym for Growth, Inspiration, and Abundance. Growth in our health and well-being, Inspiration to help us live our best life, and Abundance helping us to alleviate financial stresses.

A 90-minute educational and inspirational Wellness Webinar
by Charity Kayembe and Mark Virkler

And here is another presentation exploring how to share GIA's wellness products as a home-based business.

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Living in Rest Requires Living at Peace with Myself and Others

Mark Virkler's picture

I concluded that stress was the major cause of my heart attack, so I became diligent to enter God’s rest (Hebrews 4:11). Part of this rest involves a heart that is at peace with myself and others. The peace of God guards our hearts (Phil. 4:6-7). Being emotionally troubled over relationships does not result in peace or rest for one’s heart.

I know for many years of my life, judging ruled rather than mercy and peace. Micah 6:8 says I am to DO justly and LOVE mercy. I had those two flipped: I loved judging and only did mercy. After being critical, I would feel anger or contempt about the person or the situation. This is not peace. These negative emotions surely damaged my heart and contributed toward my heart attack. 

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The Power of Enzymes - Digestive Pain Is Gone! Inflammation Removed! Skin Strengthened!

Mark Virkler's picture

The pain of poor digestion had been with me for 30 years. Some days I was so frustrated I just wanted to quit eating altogether!!! It took me awhile to recognize that I had poor digestion, then to understand that digestion was crucial to my health, and finally to discover a way to completely resolve digestion issues. Now that has all changed, and in the interest of helping others maintain maximum health, I want to share some recent changes I have made.

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After Three Decades Suffering from Poor Digestion, One Year of Focused Effort Brings Breakthrough!

Mark Virkler's picture

Once you live through something, you can speak with more confidence concerning it. I have just successfully restored my intestines. Gluten, sugar and low HCL in my stomach allowed for a bacterial overgrowth in my intestines, which then allowed for a candida overgrowth, which then caused a leaky gut, which then caused a re-occurring skin rash. All have been resolved now, without drugs. Praise God!

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Leaky Gut Syndrome Affecting Up to 80% of the Population

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It was a couple of years ago when I first remember hearing about leaky gut. However that wasn’t the phrase they used. Instead I was told, “Eating gluten tears holes in your gut.” Well, that was sure hard and revolting for me to picture. A hole in my gut, and sewage passing back into my body? This just struck me as “really out there” so I set the idea aside.

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Why Is it Valuable to Repeat a Prayer BOTH Morning & Evening?

Mark Virkler's picture

Question: What could possibly be the value of me saying a prayer, or speaking a confession, or commanding a healing, over and over again? It seems like a waste of time, since my mind heard it the first time. Shouldn't it be enough to pray once then move on to another topic? Is there a reason I should repeat the same thing twice a day?

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21 Days of Prayer for Digestive Healing

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Elijah prayed 7 times for the drought to end, and on the seventh time, he saw his answer appear (1 Kings 18:42-43). Since we are encouraged to pray as Elijah did (Jas 5:16,17) I have no problem praying seven times for a miracle to happen. If I still don’t have my answer, then I may move on to using another type of prayer. Here are healing Scriptures to speak over yourself daily. 

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Exploring Apple Cider Vinegar An Amazing Fermented Health Food

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After my initial success of feeling my digestion improve greatly within a week of starting the Apple Cider Vinegar (a fermented food), I began researching Apple Cider Vinegar in earnest, doing some muscle testing on my body, and downloading books on the topic. Then I really got excited. Here's what I discovered!

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Digestive Health All Disease Begins in the Gut

Mark Virkler's picture

Hippocrates stated that “all disease begins in the gut.” It appears he was right as Green Med Info currently lists over 200 studies linking probiotics to more than 170 different diseases and health problems. Following is a list of just a few of these diseases, allowing you to see how diverse these conditions are: food allergies, general allergies, autism, chronic viral infections, genital infections, hepatitis, liver cirrhosis and biliary disease, tuberculosis, meningitis, malignancy, arthritis, diabetes, clinical infections and autoimmune disorders. Links to Sections Within This Article I Did All Out War to Discover How to Heal My Digestion Issues Do You Know 10 Things Which Affect the Health of Your Gut? Do You Know the Four Keys to a Healthy Gut? Can You Picture Each of the Various Parts of Your Digestive System? Do You UNDERSTAND the Digestive Process? Do You Know What Steps to Take to Strengthen the Digestive System? How My Digestion Was Healed! What We Do to Maintain Digestive Health So Why Didn't God Show Me How to Heal My Digestion Years Ago? Digestive Health Series I Did All Out War to Discover How to Heal My Digestion Issues I have just taken several months solving my 30-year-old digestive problems. In ignorance, I put up with poor digestion for three decades of my life, until it reached a crisis point which included a body rash that moved from legs to arms to shoulders and chest and would not go away. It lasted about 18 months. Plus I had a steadily increasing total bodily aversion to all foods (i.e. my body heated up, and my forehead felt hot and clammy). I had gas and bloating, a throat that needed constant clearing and a nose that had not stopped dripping for about 3 years. It was at this point that I did all-out war to learn what I needed to learn and do what I needed to do to restore my health. I discovered all those symptoms were a result of poor digestion. Today my digestion is healed and my body is healed because of what I have learned. I am excited to share these lessons with you. Digestive issues are not a small problem. They are a big problem and a crucial problem to resolve if we want to walk in optimum health. So you should plan to take some time to work through all the web links provided below. Try the solutions offered! Restore your digestive processes.

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